Saturday, October 13, 2007

Tongue Piercing

Remember when tattoos and random body and face piercings were actually considered unique? Well, now take a gander at our present society. If you're trying to be unique these days, I suggest you steer clear of the redundant and all too played out tattoos and body piercings. They might as well be a brand on cattle anymore. Who doesn't have a tattoo on their lower back or a cliche tongue piercing? Other than my wife and me, I don't know too many people who don't flaunt some type of body art or piercing. So if you're shooting for originality, go for something a little more creative, and hopefully less painful.

One of the most common and most popular bodily holes to acquire these days is the tongue piercing. It appears that every rebelling teenager wants one. Do they even know the story behind the tongue piercing? I doubt it. While you may find the standard barbell though the tongue rather refreshing and different, you might want to think twice before heading to the local tattoo/piercing parlor downtown. Have you ever considered the repercussions to this trite attempt at autonomy? What if your tongue piercing becomes infected? Did you know that the hole in the tongue seals back up incredible fast? I hope you're not planning on taking it out.

Probably the biggest factor of all concerns your precious choppers. Have you been to the dentist lately? What does your oral physician have to say about the almighty tongue piercing? I was absolutely shocked a couple years back when I visited my dentist with a cracked molar. This was the first tooth I had ever cracked in 30 years. I will NEVER chew hard candy again. And that goes the same for ice cubes. These are the usual culprits when it comes to cracked or chipped teeth. After conversing a little with my dentist, he started reeling off about the dangers of a simple tongue piercing. He claimed the standard barbells are terrible for your teeth. Apparently teenagers are constantly flipping them around in their mouths, which sadly results in a split tooth. He said the trend's appeal baffles him, however brings him loads of business.
Therefore if you are considering a tongue piercing, I suggest you do your research first. Although the concept may sound appealing, it just might cause you future grief, not to mention a fat dentist bill.