Friday, May 18, 2007

A Tattoo Is Forever - So Beware

Tattoos have been all the rage now for years. They’ve survived the spike in popularity they enjoyed after the whole Nirvana, Pearl Jam, and grunge rock craze. That was the era that started it all. People wore flannels, got pierced every which way, and then got ink on their backs, their butts, their necks, faces, foreheads, you name it. Then the craze went mainstream. Frat boys and girls started popping up with pierced belly buttons and nipples at spring break. They’d flex their biceps to show off the wraparound tattoo on their arms, or they’d bend over in their bikinis to show off the spread on their lower backs.

And yet the craze continues, despite the fact that R&B and rap is the new top 10 music of choice, and despite the fact that people finally came to realize that yes, tattoos are forever. Sure, you can take a piercing out of your eyebrow, but you need a laser beam to burn that ex lover’s name off your ankle.

That leaves you—knowing the realities of tattooing, but still seriously considering the move. That’s nothing to be ashamed about. We’ll assume you’ve thought through the decision and came up with a kick-butt piece of art to stencil into your body. But have you put serious thought into where you will get the tattooing done? This is a serious consideration, because as the number of people wanting tattoos has skyrocketed, so has the number of tattoo parlors. And many of these parlors aren’t up to snuff, especially considering some of the tattoo artists out there.

So your job now is to track down those artists, the tattoo parlors that can put a piece of art on your body, and can do it in a clean and sanitary way. So first, ask around to your friends who have had work done before. See where they went, what they thought, and how their tattoos look now. Are they faded? Blurred? Raised? Or in any other way disfigured or not as crisp and attractive as the tattoos were when they were first drilled in?

Once you have a short list of parlors from friends and family, check out each one. Make sure that they have autoclave and sterilization certifications. Watch them perform on someone. Did the tattoo artist wear gloves while they were working? Do the artists have certifications to prove they’re the real deal? And once last question you should ask: are the artists vaccinated for hepatitis B? That can be a tricky question to pose, but if they’re professionals, the tattoo artists shouldn’t mind answering that one.

If they’re willing, also ask the tattoo parlor for a tour of the place. Take a look at their instruments. Are they clean and sanitary looking? Are all the inks, water, and ointment stored in different containers? Are the needles taken directly from autoclave, and sterilized, bags, and are the needles then immediately disposed of after use?

And believe it or not, ink should be fresh for every person, too. Watch how the tattoo artists use their ink. For every new person, colors should be poured into separate cups. Any ink that is left over should then be thrown out. Just as with needles, sharing ink is not a good idea.

Once you’ve done the rounds at several ink shops, you should find one that you feel comfortable with. If not, it’s worth it to wait, ask around some more, and track down that perfect parlor for your first tattoo.

Make sure you read up on all aspects of getting a tattoo before you finally lay needle to skin. You can find more information on the best tips at the top Tattoo site - Tattoo Body Art

A Fake Tattoo - Handy In Case Of Divorce?

Tattoos are not as taboo as they once were, but this does not mean that everyone should get one. They are permanent, and with today’s divorce rate, you can see that permanent is not something that we tend to deal with very well. You may love your tattoo, but in the years to come you may change your mind.

They can fade, and become a symbol of something we would rather forget, or may just ended up looking silly when our life heads in another direction. This is why there are so many fake tattoos out there, and why they are becoming so popular.

When you use a fake tattoo, you don’t have to commit to something you may not like in five, ten or twenty years. You can get the latest trend in tattoos without making it a permanent accessory.

Imagine one day you decide to go to law school. The big-breasted lady you have tattooed on the back of your hand is not going to help you out much. However, if you were to get a fake tattoo, you have the option of simply wiping it off. Most of them will stay on through a shower, but can be removed very easily with baby oil.

Some parents and schools are allowing a fake tattoo as a reward for good grades or good behavior. These tattoos can come in almost any theme and the parents can get them off very easily. It may help take some of the mystique out of getting a tattoo, and may show a child how easily you can get sick of seeing something on your skin day in and day out. Younger children often don’t even understand what a tattoo is, and my see a fake tattoo as just another thing that kids do.

If you can’t find what you are looking for when you search for a fake tattoo, remember that you can get them special made. You may be able to get almost anything you want, but you are going to pay for the artwork. You can print them out on your own if you want to, but the paper, so I hear, can be rather expensive. If you are a teacher, you may want to do this for your class (with parental permission of course) or if you are a budding artist, this may be a great way to make some extra money. You can print off your own designs and sell them for a profit.

Be sure to read part 2 of Kelis Tattoo On Her Back for the full story on Fake Tattoo

Tattoo Removal - Do You Know The Risks Of Tattoo Removal?

Whether you have several tattoos, or are simply thinking of getting one, the idea of tattoo removal is something you might need to consider someday. The days of a tattoo being absolutely permanent may be behind us, but the process is not an easy one.

The best way to avoid needing tattoo removal, of course, is to be very careful about what tattoos you get. Most people seek tattoo removals because they have tattooed a name on their body and they are no longer associated with that name or person. People also want their tattoos removed because they carry a symbol on their body that they had tattooed during a time of fad, and realize they no longer want that symbol. In order to decrease your chances of needing tattoo removal, you should consider very carefully what kind of tattoo you want to get, and above all else you should make sure that you are getting a tattoo that speaks to you and you alone, and is one that is going to continue to be important to you, no matter what changes you might go through in your life.

Of course, not everyone plans ahead and makes tattoo decisions that they’ll be happy with for their entire lives. Even when people think through their tattoos very carefully and take all of precautions, the facts remains solid that they simply might change their minds and no longer want a tattoo.

Long Process

If you are thinking of tattoo removal, you should know that it is a long process. There are several methods of tattoo removal, and the degree to which they work depends on a variety of factors. Depending on how well the tattoo was applied, how long it has been on the skin, and how big it is, you could end up with colors or scarring, or you could be left with no tattoo at all.

Several methods

There are several methods for removing tattoos – but remember, each method should only be done by a doctor or by a trained tattoo removal artist.

Excision is the process of cutting away at the tattoo. With a small tattoo, the skin that holds it is simply cut out, and the edges are then sutured. If a larger tattoo is being removed, pieces of it can be cut out in sections. In this process, the patient might end up with scarring, but sometimes that proves a better alternative than the tattoo.

Dermabrasion is the process of rubbing the tattoo off. The tattoo is sprayed with a solution that allows the area to freeze, and then the area with the tattoo is sanded with an abrasive rotary device that causes the skin to peel. When the skin peels, the ink will come up with it. Several treatments are usually needed.

Lasers are another method of removing tattoos. The laser is directed at the tattoo and breaks up the pigment, the pieces of which the body moves to the surface. Like the others, there are usually several treatments of laser tattoo removal that are needed.

Salabrasion is an older method that is sometimes still used today – in which a solution of water and salt is sprayed onto the tattoo, and it is rubbed like in dermabrasion, but with even simpler instruments. When the skin turns deep red from the rubbing, a dressing is applied. With several treatments, the tattoo usually fades.

With all of these methods is it important to note that there are many factors you have to consider when deciding how effective tattoo removal can be. If you are still interested, it is suggested that you talk to your doctor about tattoo removal. Your doctor can recommend a method and a place that will fit your needs and do well for you.

Sheila Ray writes on a variety of beauty and skin care topics.

For more information on tattoos, further information on tattoo removal including a method that can work without causing scarring, tattoos styles and other fascinating tattoo facts,


5 Tips To Design Your Superman Tattoo Pics Professionally

Ask anyone who has had a tattoo why they did it and they will tell you two things. One, they were making a very personal statement, usually spiritually oriented, and two, after their first tattoo they were hooked.

Tattoo is not just a method of body art; it is a very spiritual custom that dates back hundreds to thousands of years in many cultures. While there are many beautiful and breathtaking designs, most people use these tattoos as a basis or template for their own personal expression.

The majority of the time, if a client does not come in with their own personal design, they will show the artist a particular design and follow up with, "but I want to make a few changes." So, when you are designing your own tattoo, such as with a Superman tattoo pic, there are a few tips to consider. Location, Location, Location!

Think about where you want to put the tattoo. For instance, you wouldn't want to put a large, flying Superman tattoo pic on your ankle. That type of tattoo is too detailed and would be rather large so it would not be appropriate for that area.

A Superman tattoo pic like that would likely be better suited on the upper arm, hip, back or even forearm. When you think about your tattoo and what type of tattoo you want(such as a Superman tattoo pic), consider where you want it to be placed.

Size Matters

Yes, when you are looking to get a tattoo, size does matter. You really can not just choose a random design or a Superman tattoo pic with no forethought because you do need to consider the size of the tatt as well as the location. Sometimes the location will even dictate the size.

A Superman tattoo pic that is, perhaps, the big S symbol that is always shown on the front of his uniform, then you can usually size that up or down according to the location.

What are Your Colors?

Choose colors that are appropriate for the tatt, but also appropriate for you. This is generally a permanent venture, so you want something that you like and will enjoy seeing on your body for the rest of your life. A Superman tattoo pic would be blue, red and yellow.

What colors are your spirit? If you are commemorating an event, what are its colors? If you are honoring someone, what colors do you associate with them? Let your color scheme work with YOU. Or choose a standard tattoo like a Superman tattoo pic and go with it.

Choose a Design that Fits Your Spirit

Choose a design or template that fits your personal spirit. The design should speak to you. If you want a Superman tattoo pic, go for it. You may wish to combine several designs to create your own. Add elements, or if you are an artist, draw your own design.

You can find many different designs and select one that suits you. You may want to bring a friend along for input, but don't allow them to influence you too much. After all, you will be the one walking around with the tattoo, or the Superman tattoo pic, not them.

Think Twice about Adding a Name

You may have heard this many times, but it always stands to be said again. When designing your own tattoo, you may want to think twice about putting someone's name on it. There are a few celebrities that we can look to who can attest to this. Many people put people's names on their tatts and wind up covering the name later.

If you want to honor the love of your life by putting their name under your Superman tattoo pic, do yourself a favor and do it some other way. A tattoo is forever unless you get it covered or lasered. Save yourself the trouble.

If you like this information, get your hands on a collection of thousands of gorgeous high quality tattoo designs all viewable from your comforts of your home and you can print out for your favorite tattoo artist. Remember to get your special FREE Gift: 'You And Your Tattoo'