Saturday, October 13, 2007

Removing tattoos and helping the community

Ink-b-Gone Laser Tattoo Removal of Denver, which opened their second location to service the Front Range, Boulder, Broomfield, Adams, and Weld Counties, is finding that there is a need for tattoo removal in many more walks of life than anticipated. "We never expected that we would be needed by the community by so many different walks of life".

Ink-b-Gone is working with several outreach and youth groups in the Denver area providing pro bono tattoo removal and deap discounts to the members of these groups. Most of the young people that want the tattoos removed are trying to start their lives over. Removing gang symbols and other inappropriate tattoos is part of the transformation, but this is not the only venue for starting over.

Colleges and universities are embracing this service because tattoos often make it impossible for graduates to get that "dream job". Students (both high school and college) are eligible for a 50% discount.