Saturday, October 13, 2007

Tattoo Books

On my 18th birthday, my friend Kelly and I made appointments at our local tattoo parlor to celebrate our adulthood. Kelly already knew what she wanted to get. She had forever been a fan of Tigger, and that is exactly what she felt she needed to have permanently drawn on her. I thought that a childish tattoo wasn't exactly a celebration of adulthood. I didn't really know what I wanted, but I knew that I wanted it to be something that meant something to me. Perhaps something that symbolized who I was. We arrived an hour early for our appointments so that I could look through the stacks and stacks of tattoo books. I was not sure what I was hoping those tattoo books would show me, but I knew that I would know it when I found it.

The first tattoo books I glanced through had some incredibly scary looking artwork that I couldn't imagine anyone would ever want. Apparently, people did though. I wanted something feminine and simple that would look attractive on my ankle. I wasn't really sure what exactly would represent me for years and years but I knew those tattoo books would show me something perfect. For the first 30 minutes, I thumbed through pages of hideous tattoos as well as really brilliant ones. Still, nothing jumped out at me and said "Pick me." I was feeling incredibly discouraged. One of the tattoo artists joined me in my search, asking me tons of questions about what I liked and my beliefs. Finally, after trying to explain who I was for 5 minutes, he stood up and dug through some of the tattoo books that I have not yet had the opportunity to look through. He flipped through several pages as well until he smiled. He brought it over to me and pointed. I smiled as well. He was showing me a dainty and attractive small dolphin. It represented me in many ways. I was an artist and this dolphin had a rainbow of colors on it. I loved the ocean and dolphins were my favorite of all of God's creatures. It was perfect. I nodded and laid down the other tattoo books. I'd found what I'd wanted.

Last weekend, I helped another friend of mine look through tattoo books for something that would be perfect for her. She had the same pains of finding something that I'd had. After she'd found what she wanted, I sat there and glanced through the tattoo books for the sole purpose of passing time. In the very first of the tattoo books that I opened, I smiled. Here we go again! My friend and I walked out of the tattoo parlor a few hours later, with smiles on both of our faces. If you're planning on getting a tattoo, consider yourself warned, sometimes those stacks of tattoo books can be rather addictive.