Friday, October 5, 2007

So You Want A Tattoo

Tattoo's are great, they are constantly becoming more and more popular every single day, especially with young people of around the early twenty's age and they are quickly becoming the "cool thing" to have for everyone.

Why are they so popular?

It's simple, it's because they look cool, yes, that's it, they look cool and they are used as a social sign of how cool you are. Of course, there can be other reasons for young people to get tattoo's but mostly it is because they want to look good.

Some other reasons are:

*We see people of fame and fortune with tattoo's constantly, people like rock stars, famous actors, wrestlers, etc and all these people are looked up to, they are peers, when someone sees a peer with something, it instantly becomes something they want, at least in most cases.

*The "bad guy" attitude and style is what many people consider to be the best style around today, people think that tattoo's will give them the "bad guy" style and make them look more tough, in some cases they actually do.

*To impress the opposite sex. Some people like the opposite sex to have tattoo's, they consider it to look sexy, this can be a very strong and powerful reason to get a tattoo, to impress someone you like and get them to take notice of you.

Those are just a few reasons that people use to get tattoo's and many of them are very valid reasons, some may look at those things and say they are stupid but they do not really know until they are in the same frame of mind as someone who wants to get a tattoo.

The point is - If you want to get a tattoo, go for it, don't hold yourself back just because you are worried about what other people may think of you, it's your body, it's your choice and it's your decision to whether you get a tattoo, not anyone else's, unless your underage of course.

So, if you want to get a tattoo then just go for it.