Friday, October 12, 2007

Factors Regarding The Cost Of Tattoo Removal Processes

When people get tattoos on their body that they no longer feel inclined to keep, they do have an option in getting them removed. However, this option of tattoo removal is not a cheap venture. The process can cost up to thousands of dollars and there are a number of different things that will affect the cost of a tattoo removal process.

The first factor is which kind of procedure is performed. The most common tattoo removal process today is done by laser, unless there is a circumstance which makes another type of process necessary or requested. Still, the laser tattoo removal process is one of the most painless and is what the majority of people choose. In this instance, the factors that play into the cost include the number of necessary visits, the size of the tattoo, the location of the tattoo and the colors used in the dye of the tattoo. When it comes to the number of visits that are necessary for the tattoo removal process, the older the tattoo the more visits the removal process may take. This is because the dye has had longer to adhere to the dermis layer of the body.

It is also fair to say that if the tattoo is large, it will be more expensive than a tattoo that is smaller in size. Different areas of the body are more susceptible to healing than others, and this also depends on the individual patient. This will affect the tattoo removal process because the more imbedded and healed the ink is in the dermis layer, the more difficult it will be to remove the pigment. In turn, this may mean that the patient will require more sessions, increasing the cost.