Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Beginner's Guide to Getting a Tattoo

Tattoos are wonderful expressions that are permanent fixtures on your body. Be sure that what you want to express today will be something you won't mind expressing permanently. Be sure that the image you select for your tattoo design is something that you truly want. Getting a tattoo on impulse may be a decision you regret for a lifetime. Be sure to think the process through first.

The most expensive tattoo is usually a custom design. A custom design tattoo is developed by bringing your tattoo artist an idea or a picture. Then your tattoo artist will begin the process of designing the actual tattoo. Time is money and the more time your artists spends creating your custom tattoo design the more you will pay. Simple stock tattoo designs will cost much less. Your artist is probably very familiar with the stock designs offered in their shop. They can probably do the designs in far less time than a custom design. If this is your first tattoo a stock design will take less time to apply and may be better for your pain tolerance level. Tattoos that are less time consuming will also be much easier on your pocket book.

Your next step is to decide whether you want color or black with intense shading. Color is going to be more costly because your artist will need to change equipment more often to add the colors. It will also take more time to complete. Color does make your tattoo one of a kind. The variety of colors to choose from will make your tattoo stand out from the crowd. On the other hand black and shaded tattoos can also hold their own. Black and shaded tattoos can be very classic in appearance. A black and shaded tattoo can be very distinct because of the high contrast between natural skin color and the black ink.

Where you are going to put your tattoo on your body is a huge decision that should be given careful consideration. Think about the tattoo and the clothing you wear. Do you want this tattoo to be visible at all times? If the tattoo is visible will how it will affect your work place, your family and other places you visit. It is it appropriate for everyone to see your tattoo or is this one of those tattoos for someone else's eyes only. Where you place your tattoo is completely up to you and your environment. Think about your future plans before you decide on placement.

Some places on your body are just going to be more painful for tattoo application. Areas where the skin is the thinnest is going to be more painful than areas that have more muscle mass or fat build up. Areas that may hurt more include your ankles, head, check and lower back. If you want to go for a less painful application point you might try your arms, legs, shoulders or your rear end.

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