This article which you are about to read has been written because I have noticed a growing interest in the art of tattooing, and a lot of people are asking questions about it. This article will answer some of those questions, so, firstly,
What does it feel like to be tattooed? It is painful, alright. After all it is an art. Art needs emotions (which presumably cover pain!) to bring out the best from an art piece. The money aside, pain in tattooing is part of the investment.
And depending on the design of your tattoo, the process will become more and more painful. So please bear with it.
The more decorative or the more symbolic your tattoo design is, the more artistic it will get. Tattoo is simply a means of self expression. It is after all, used among wide scopes of culture and its history runs down from ages to ages. And understandably, as the ages went, the tattoo designs became more elaborate so that some developed more like living artworks rather than simple accentuations imbedded into human skin.
There are literally myriad of tattoo designs that often leave customers overwhelmed. Let us take a look at some more popular designs these days so you and other people planning to get tattooed would have more defined ideas of what design to punch into the skin. Note: This is not easy and the process is equally not handy so focus on what you truly desire and work on it until the last point of the needle.
No culture in the world is more responsible for the development of the tattoo than the region of the Polynesia. The word itself came from its ancient language, which meant to make a mark.
The designs patterned from ancient ideas spotted in this region are normally referred to as tribal, one of the most intuitive and versatile designs there are. Aggressive bold lines and symmetrical patterns, tribal tattoos remain popular (and are constantly working its way to extreme popularity) because it primarily allows the influence of other cultures, artists personal expression and fusion with other designs.
Like its tribal ancestors, designs patterned from Celtic ideas dont actually contain or convey a single concept, rather it communicates feelings and illustrations depending on the interpretation of the audience. Celtic concepts were typically borrowed from ancient Celtic culture tracing back from the 1st century. These designs dont present specific images, except for those that depict certain pieces of Celtic history and literature. Designs covered in this genre have no beginning and no end. They are composed of intertwining loops and knots. While unquestionably famous, Celtic tattoo designs should only be done by artists who have dedicated their profession in this single style.
Now before you read any further let me just jump in here and say that I really do hope that you are finding this not only interesting, but informative because I have written this in order to try and provide some information on this subject. So, having said that, lets continue.
Yet it is not only the looks that matter in tattoo designs. Because it is for self expression, people often find themselves content with adding specific religious symbols that make their faith more pronounced. No wonder, the extreme prevalence of angels, crosses and other religious tokens can be seen throughout many regions.
Well, who would forget patriotism? (Or is it due to lack of choice? Probably not.)
The eagle, the eagle, the eagle. Well, thats stereotypical. How many times have we seen myriad of eagle designs that depict the Great America? We have already lost count actually.
Americans seem to have this special commitment towards the country that they are even willing to leave marks of its symbols into their skin. You may choose to follow after their practice but you may also not. That really depends on your preference. However, if you want to be unique, you can try looking for more seldomly used design rather than the American eagle or any other eagle of that sort.
The only key here is to ask yourself what really matters to you. Will I love Mary mean the same thing a few years from now? Think it through.
Let me finish by saying that there is a lot of information out there on this subject just waiting for you to unearth. Try your local bookstore, your library, my blog, or the internet, and you will be amazed at how much more you can learn.