Friday, May 11, 2007

Repairing Putty Window Glass

Have you ever thought about fixing a broken window in your house, but didn't think you could do it because nobody ever taught you how to cut glass? Well, you really don't have to know how to cut glass in order to repair your window. If you knew how to remove the frame, you could order a replacement piece of glass from your local glass shop already cut to the proper size. Then, it's just a matter of installing the new glass into the frame. But, there are so many different kinds of window out there, there is no way i could explain them all in one article. So, this is going to be the first in a series of articles describing the repair procedure for each type of window.

There are really two categories of windows out there. They are single pane windows and dual pane windows. Then, within those two categories, there are several types of windows in each category. Let's start with the single pane window category. This would be older windows that were around before the building industry became more energy conscious. It just means that there is a single piece of glass in the frame that surrounds it. A lot of homeowners mistakenly think a horizontal sliding window must be a double pane window, since there is a pane of glass in the sliding panel and another pane in the stationary panel. The terminology refers to the number of panes in the sliding or fixed panel alone. In other words, a single pane horizontal sliding window has a single pane of glass in the sliding panel, and a single pane in the fixed panel. A double pane slider would actually have two pieces of glass in both the sliding panel and fixed panel. The pieces in each panel are separated by approximately 3/8" of air, and have a metal spacer around the edge of the glass.

So, let's get back to the single pane repairs. One of the more common types of single pane windows are the type that uses putty to hold the glass in the frame. All old wood windows are done this way. Old metal casement windows are usually done this way as well. The casement window is the kind with the handle on the inside bottom corner that you crank, and the window opens outward on a top and bottom pivot. Let's focus this article on the putty style replacements.

Before you begin, pick a local glass shop in your area where you will go to pick up the new glass. Make sure they are going to be open the day you do the work, and confirm with them that if you call in an order for a pane of glass in the morning, you can pick it up in an hour or two. You dont want to remove the glass from the window frame, then find out the glass shop won't have your glass cut until next week. If they can't guarantee a two hour turnaround, keep looking.

The fastest and easiest way to remove the old glass is to break it out. Put an old sheet or a tarp on the ground below the window. Then, put on some gloves. Use gloves with a material that will prevent a piece of glass from cutting your hands. A pair of gardening gloves should work fine. Get yourself a pair of safety glasses as well. Trust me, you don't want to get hit in the eye with a piece of flying glass. As my Father always used to tell me, "Better safe than sorry". Now, go inside with a hammer in hand and knock the glass out of the center part of the window. It's best to leave some glass sticking out around the edge. You can grab the protruding glass and use it as leverage to pop the old putty loose. The more old putty that you can get to come out along with the glass, the less scraping you will have to do. I have done some wood window replacements where the putty was dried and cracked, and it practically fell out on it's own. On the flip side, i have done some where the putty had almost become a part of the wood. The only way to separate the putty from the frame in those instances is to use a putty knife to scrape it down to the wood. While removing the putty, you will find little pieces of metal that are used to hold the glass in place while applying the putty. The wood windows use push points, and you can get a package of new ones at the hardware store. If you're working with the metal casement window, the metal clips are called sash clips. You might have a harder time finding these. Frankly, i don't see any problem reusing them.

Once you have all the glass and putty removed, clean the frame with a paint brush. Then measure the width at three spots:bottom, middle, and top. Take the smallest measurement and deduct 1/8" for wood windows and 3/8" for steel casements. Then, measure the height at the left side, center, and right side. Take the smallest measurement and deduct 1/8" on wood windows and 1/4" on casements. When you order your new glass, order double strength glass, and give the width first, then the height. When you get the new glass home, the installation process is slightly different between wood and steel windows. If it's wood, put a thin bead of caulk on the frame where the glass is going to make contact. Install the glass. The caulk will hold the glass in place while you install the push points. You can either apply putty or use white caulk instead. If you're going to use caulk, cut the tip below the tapered part, and cut at a 45 degree angle. You want the largest possible hole to allow the caulk to cover the large area previously covered by the putty. The caulk method is faster than putty, but it requires more skill to make the job look nice. If you have steel casements, the only option is putty. The area is just too large to use caulk. The sash clips install differently than the push points. The push points stick into the wood, but the sash clips insert into small holes in the side of the casement frame. Sometimes the holes get plugged with old putty and it's easy to overlook them. Take your time applying the putty. Make sure you use the putty knife to smooth the surface. You just repaired your putty window. I will be on Christmas vacation for the next two weeks, but when i come backFeature Articles, i will continue this series of articles on repairing single pane windows.


John Rocco has been installing
replacement windows since 1978.
To learn more, visit How To Install Windows

The Law that Rules

The Law that Rules is the article written by Steven Rosen and posted in "kansascity dot com" on March 27, 2005. Steven Rosen once a month offers basic economic concepts that can be easily explained to kids, so they can form their vision of how the real-adult world works. This time Rosen’s ninth installment (that is the way he calls his articles; altogether there will be twelve installments) explained the basic rule of economics: the rule of supply and demand.

He explains the law of supply and demand using dolls, stuffed animals, trading cards, plastic wristbands and other things that kids like to collect. Kids' collectibles are the things that they will be most willing to spend their money on. The topic of supply and demand was chosen because it is a necessarily starting point for understanding how the prices are formed. As examples that will be easily comprehendible by kids the author uses prices for pizza, toys, and iPods. Kids would buy all those things with their money, so it is a real life example that is closer to them than for example the formation of prices for oil. Rosen explains supply as the amount of a product or service that a business is willing to offer for sale; and demand as how much purchasers would buy and what they'd pay. Supply deals with production and demand with desire and popularity. Rosen is pretty close in his explanations, however, if we want to be precise in definitions then we will have supply as the quantity that producers are willing to sell at a given price. For instance, the soft drink manufacturer may be willing to produce 1 million packages of some soft drink if the price is $1 and significantly more if the market price is $2. The core determinants of the amount of packages of a soft drink that a company is willing to produce will generally be the market price of the good. Demand is the quantity that consumers are willing and able to buy at a given price over a period of time. For an illustration, a consumer may be willing to purchase 30 packages of a soft drink in the next year if the price is $1 per bag, and may be willing to purchase only 10 bags if the price is $2 per package. A demand schedule can be constructed that shows the quantity demanded at each given price. It can be represented on a graph as a line or curve by plotting the quantity demanded at each price. It can also be described mathematically by a demand equation. The main determinants of the quantity one is willing to purchase will typically be the price of the good, one's level of income, personal tastes, the price of substitute goods, and the price of complementary goods.

To make this concept simpler to children the author suggests asking children questions about the things that they collect. For instance, ask why some particular toy is special and more valuable than another one. The answer would probably be that particular items are limited or have unique design. Then Rosen proposes to go further and question kids what their actions would be if their friends or neighbors had an identical toy. Would they desire to exchange it? For how much would they price it? If, on the other hand, only one friend had it, would it increase the demand and what would the price be in that case? Rosen also tells to construct open-ended questions for kids, this way kids receive an opportunity to present their vision of the situation which significantly speeds up their understanding of the market. By using the examples that Rosen suggests, kids automatically get the idea of the price elasticity of demand and price elasticity of supply.

The author also gives other suggestions of explaining the rule of demand and supply. One of the cases is the formation of prices for fuel. Actually, supply and demand is only the part components that set the price. But the discussion can be focused on driving habits, cutting off the not necessary drivingFree Reprint Articles, drive a more fuel-efficient vehicle. The number of topics that can be used for discussion is countless; what the author thinks really important is to keep a child interested and at the same time entertained by the conversation which will help the process of understanding. The kids' awareness of such basic economic issues plays an essential role in how they will manage their funds in the future.


Jeff Stats is a writer at essay writing service Order quality custom essays from our essay service.

Using Internet Marketing E-books Helps With Business Issues

Using an Internet marketing e-book when starting a new home-based business will give you helpful hints and clues to start your business on a firm foundation. E-books, short for electronic books, are books on either one subject or a collection of different articles that can be downloaded from any website on the Internet. Almost anything that can be displayed on a website can be packaged into an e-book.

Some Internet marketing e-books are made using special software, such as Adobe Acrobat or the common pdf files. To download these e-books you will have to choose ''save as'' to save them onto your computer. Otherwise you may not be saving the information just viewing it. Check to see if the e-books are in pdf format. Some sites offer e-books in Microsoft Word or other formats that are often simpler to use.

Internet marketing e-books can be interactive and pleasing to the eye. Once the e-book is downloaded on your computer, all the associated files are stored on there permanently. Another point that is great about e-books is that they can be updated with the click of a mouse.

One example of a good Internet marketing e-book is Google Cash by Chris Carpenter. This e-book tells how to make money by using Google on the Internet. His step-by-step instructions show how to begin using Google without even having your own website. Many users have said that this Internet marketing e-book has helped them make money in the shortest amount of time.

Internet marketing e-books can be found on e-book directories all over the Internet. Also, you can find listings of dozens of free e-books. Using Internet marketing e-books is a great way to get lots of great information on how to start a home-based business without spending a great deal of money. And since many Internet marketing e-books are freeFree Web Content, there is no reason to not try to get some soon and start working on that dream home-based business tonight!


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What You Really Need To About Starting A Work From Home Business

All the requirements for information on home business found here.
Ever wondered why home business were called a work from home business? If you read this article, you are sure to find out the answer.

You may say that we have included exquisite information here on proven home business. This is with the intention of producing a unique article on home business.

Putting a Work Area in Your Home.
When you work from home, one of the hardest things to get right is knowing where to do your work. In your bedroom? In a special home office? Well, here are a few pointers.

A Dedicated Space is Best.
I really believe that you won't get far unless you set aside a space and use it for work only. Why? Well, if you use your work space for things other than work, then you'll get distracted by anything you leave there. Other people in the family might become frustrated by not being able to use the space, or you might find that you simply don't have anywhere to put all the important pieces of paper you acquire, meaning that they get lost.

The Art of the Home Office.
A home office is really what you want -- this really needs to be a dedicated room of a reasonable size. You shouldn't have too much trouble if you convert a small bedroom, as most bedrooms are actually surprisingly large once you take away the bed.

Our dreams of writing a lengthy article on home business has finally materialized Through this article on home business. however, only if you acknowledge its use, will we feel gratitude for writing it!

Your essentials for a home office are a desk, chair, computer, filing cabinet and phone/fax. If you don't have spare ones of these lying around then you should buy them used, or from some kind of discount store -- don't spend a cent more than you need to on your office furniture and equipment, at least to begin with. Still, though, do try to find things that don't look too bad, and that match.

Do make sure that you have everything in the room that you'll need for your business, and that your equipment is good enough that you'll be able to use it for long periods of time without it becoming painful. If you plan to do a lot of phoning, for example, buy a headset so that you can do it hands-free. It's also worth spending just a little extra on that chair, if you're going to be sitting on it a lot.

Perfection has been achieved in this article on home business. There is hardly any matter left from this article that is worth mentioning.Perfection has been achieved in this article on home business. There is hardly any matter left from this article that is worth mentioning.

Isn’t it wonderful that we can now access information about anything, including home business form the Internet without the hassle of going through books and magazines for matter!

You should also make sure that the room is well-lit and decorated in a style you like: one that says 'serious', but not 'dull, terrible work'. Keep it at a comfortable temperature, with good ventilation. Many people like to make their home office visibly different to the rest of their house, by having a differently-coloured carpet or wooden floor, or painting the walls an entirely different colour. Whatever you do, though, I have no doubt that it'll be better than 99% of the corporate offices out there. The most important thing is that you don't spend too much, but that you make sure to solve any problems you have with your space as soon as they come up.

A Whole Other Building.
One thing that some people like to do when they set up home offices is to make it completely separate from their house: a business annex. This could be expensive -- for goodness' sake don't build a whole other building if you don't have something like a shed or garage to convert -- but it is also one of the most effective ways to work from home. It's not so much a 'home office' as an office that you've built right next to your home -- and it gives you a much clearer sense of when you're working and when you're not.

Home business came into being some time back. However, would you believe that there are some people who still don’t know what a home business is?

This option is especially worth considering if you do a manual trade, especially if you already have some kind of workshop space. I knew a carpenter who saved himself all sorts of headaches when he moved his home office away from his bedroom and into his existing workshop in his garage.

A Question of Tax.
When you're organising your home office, don't forget about tax. The area of your house that you do business in should be tax-deductible, and so should any equipment you buy or other work you have done. Don't use it as an excuse to get carried away, but do remember that you're not spending quite as much as you think. As long as you don't go overboardArticle Submission, your home office will be one of the most important investments you will make -- as anyone who's ever tried to work from home without one can tell you.

I would feel happy if this article on home business proves its mettle by being productive and useful for you in your future endeavors on home business.


Brad Gray is a contibuting editor to the Create A Fortune Articles Directory. He has written and published numerous home based business articles and specializes in one-on-one mentoring for a work at home opportunity. As a practice what he preaches kind of guy, Brad does work from home in his own home based business and truly lives a life without limits.

Website Promotion – The Power of Writing Articles

I’ve been operating two small retail Websites for several years with modest success. Recently, I decided to branch out into a different area of e-commerce. I set up five different Websites at once and I wanted to find a way to obtain a lot of links to my Websites in a hurry. I wasn’t interested in paying for promotion, and I don’t care for the tedious process of exchanging links. On a lark, I typed the phrase “unusual Website promotion techniques” into Google, just to see what sort of search results came up.

That search yielded mostly Websites for companies that were offering to promote Websites for a fee, but one link did catch my eye – a site that mentioned writing articles to provide free content for Websites. I read the article on the Website and realized that I had found what I was looking for. This seemed to promise inexpensive, useful, fast results. I would write articles about topics that were relevant to my Websites and submit them to sites that would provide them to other sites that needed content. In exchange for this, I would receive a link back to my site. I decided to give it a try.

I did a search for “free content” on the Web, and made a list of sites that accepted articles and offered “live” links to the author’s Websites. I wrote an article of 400 words or so, submitted it to several different free content sites and waited. In order to accurately judge the effectiveness of this technique, I used a version of my name that I generally do not use as my author name. That way, I could do searches for my name in search engines and be certain that all results related to articles I had written. I submitted my first article in the afternoon and I I did a search for my author name in Google the next morning. I was astonished to see that not only had my article been published by several sites, but my author name turned up in search results just fourteen hours after I had submitted the article!

Clearly, I was on to something. I began writing articles in earnest. It wasn’t hard; as I am promoting seven different Websties, I had seven different topics to choose from. In the six weeks or so since I published my first article, I have written 60 more on topics relating to seven of my Websites. In that six weeks’ time, the total number of links from external sites to my own sites has increased from 765 to 11302. The growth in the number of external links to my sites has been explosive, and I’m now getting daily traffic to each of my sites. In just six weeks, I have managed to obtain a level of traffic that previously took me more than a year to obtain through traditional Website promotion methods. If you have a knack for writing, submitting free content articles is a great, fast, effective Website promotion tool. I highly recommend it.

©Copyright 2005 by Retro Marketing. Charles Essmeier is the owner of Retro Marketing, a firm devoted to informational Websites, including, a site devoted to debt consolidation and credit counseling, and HomeEquityHelp.comBusiness Management Articles, a site devoted to information regarding home equity loans.


©Copyright 2005 by Retro Marketing. Charles Essmeier is the owner of Retro Marketing, a firm devoted to informational Websites, including, a site devoted to debt consolidation and credit counseling, and, a site devoted to information regarding home equity loans.